
Why My Car Pulls To One Side its Causes & How To Fix It

Written by Paul Marles
Becoming aware that your car has started pulling to one side while driving can be both alarming and disconcerting. This phenomenon occurs when your vehicle begins veering left or right unintentionally, necessitating frequent steering adjustments just to stay on a straight path. Exploring possible causes behind this issue is essential to understanding its underlying source, ensuring safer and more pleasant driving.
In this article we will discuss the most common causes of the vehicle pulling towards one side. We also examine the reasons behind this issue when accelerating and braking, or following wheel alignment. After the article we address every question you have.

Reasons A Car Pulls To The Left or Right While Driving

An unexpected pull left or right while driving could be caused by any number of components within the vehicle or external influences, including:

#Wheel Misalignment

Poor wheel alignment is one of the primary factors contributing to vehicle pull. Misalignments caused by toe, camber or caster deviation can result in uneven tire wear as well as steering problems that affect its control and steering capabilities.

#Tire Issues

Uneven tire pressure, uneven wear or differences in construction can all cause your vehicle to pull to one side, as can damaged or worn-out tires on either side. Additionally, damaged or worn out tires on one side could exacerbate this effect and contribute to it as well.

#Brake Problems

Uneven wear on brake pads, jammed calipers or issues with fluid pressure may lead to one side of your car pulling when braking, leading to excessive wheel spin when applying brakes.

#Suspension Problems

Faulty suspension components such as control arms, bushings, springs or struts may affect vehicle alignment and cause it to pull left or right.

#Steering Components

Malfunction of steering components such as an unalignment with the rack or worn tie rods or linkage issues can lead to the vehicle drifting to one side, potentially causing irreparable damage.

#Road Camber

Roads that feature an aggressive slope or camber can cause vehicles to drift toward the lower side of the road, potentially forcing drivers off course and into less than optimal driving positions.

#Wind Conditions

Intense crosswinds or gusty winds can significantly change the aerodynamics of a vehicle, causing it to drift towards the direction of the wind.

#Uneven Weight Distribution

When weight distribution in your vehicle becomes uneven, such as heavy cargo being concentrated on one side, this can alter its balance and lead to pulling

Reasons Car Pulls To One Side When Braking

When your car pulls to one side when braking, this indicates possible problems within its braking system or related components. Here are some possible explanations why your car could be pulling to one side:

#Uneven Brake Pad Wear

Uneven wear on brake pads can lead to uneven braking forces on each wheel, and this could result in pulling. This could be caused by worn-out pads or improperly lubricated caliper slides which cause one side of the brake system to apply more braking force than another side.

#Brake Caliper Issues

Sticking or seized brake calipers can create uneven braking pressure between left and right wheels, as well as failing to release fully after each time you brake resulting in continuous braking on one side and pulling of your car.

#Brake Hose or Line Problems

Damage or obstruction in your brake hoses and lines can result in uneven fluid pressure distribution to the brake calipers, creating unequal braking force and leading to pulling when applying brakes.

#Uneven Rotor or Drum Surface

Warped or uneven brake rotors or drums can lead to inconsistent contact between brake pads and the braking surface, leading to uneven braking force and pulling.

#Tire Issues

Uneven tire wear, different tire pressure on each side or defects may all contribute to pulling when braking.

#Suspension or Steering Problems

Faulty suspension components or steering linkage issues can cause alignment or stability issues with a vehicle, leading to pulling when breaking.

#Alignment Problems

Improper wheel alignment can lead to pulling on one side during braking, potentially leading to alignment issues requiring replacement.

Reasons A Car Pulls After a Wheel Alignment

If a car pulls after wheel alignment, this could be caused by:
  1. Uneven Tire Pressure: Uneven tire pressure across tires can significantly impact their alignment.
  2. Suspension Issues: Worn suspension parts may fail to maintain their alignment settings and create alignment problems.
  3. Misadjusted Components: Poorly adjusted tie rods or steering components can have serious repercussions for alignment.
  4. Uneven Tire Wear: Due to misalignment, improper tire alignment could have led to uneven tire wear that negatively impacted performance post-alignment.
Professional mechanics can conduct a comprehensive recheck to identify any specific problems and provide solutions for correcting them.

Why does my car feel like it’s swaying left and right?

A car that sways from in a lateral direction could be a be due to a variety of reasons such as worn suspension components which cause excessive movement, inconsistent pressure on the tires that can cause instability or misaligned wheels, which can cause an unsteady feeling.
 The steering component’s issue could be the cause of the swaying sensation. Finding the cause through an inspection by a mechanic is essential to restore stability and to ensure the safety of driving.

How much does it cost to realign your steering wheel?

Cost to realign a steering wheel can depend on its cause. If it is misaligning due to simple adjustment or calibration issues, such as needing new alignment alignment specs for your tires, realigning could be included as part of regular wheel alignment service ranging from $50-150.But if misalignment stems from systemic issues that need repair/replacement services and cost may vary or increase according to their requirements.

Can you drive with a misaligned steering wheel?

Yes, driving with a slightly misaligning steering wheel won’t necessarily compromise safety. However, it is essential to address any alignment or steering component issues immediately as this could indicate larger issues that could undermine driving stability over time. Misaligning steering may cause uneven tire wear as well as signal larger problems that threaten driving stability over time.

Can bad tires make your car pull?

Poor or worn tires can certainly contribute to car pulling on one side. Uneven tire wear or tires with different tread depths on either side can create imbalances that lead to pulling, as can improper tire pressure or damaged tires. Maintenance, inflation and condition checks are necessary for safe and balanced driving experiences.


Pulling to one side while driving could be caused by many different issues, from tire wear or incorrect pressure, wheel alignment issues, brake problems or suspension irregularities to wheel alignment and suspension irregularities. Understanding and correcting its root causes are crucial for safe driving; professional mechanics provide reliable diagnosis and repair to quickly resolve pulling problems while restoring road stability.

About the author

Paul Marles

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