
8 Symptoms Of A Bad Alternator & Replacement Cost

Written by Paul Marles
The car alternator, an unassuming yet vital component nestled within your engine bay, holds a significant role in your vehicle’s operation. Operating as a miniature power generator, it converts the mechanical energy produced by your engine’s rotation into the essential electrical power that keeps your car running smoothly.
While its size may belie its importance, the alternator plays a critical role in charging your battery and supplying power to various electrical components, including lights, entertainment systems, and crucial engine systems.
Think of the alternator as a silent partner that ensures your battery remains charged and ready to start your engine reliably. Its functionality extends beyond this, as it powers the essential systems that contribute to your driving experience.
From lighting your path on dimly lit roads to providing the electricity that powers your vehicle’s various functions, the alternator is a behind-the-scenes hero.

What Does an Alternator Do in your car ?

An alternator in your car works like a generator. It uses the engine’s turning motion to create electricity. This electricity charges the battery and powers all the electrical things in your car, such as lights, radio, and air conditioning. So, while you drive, the alternator keeps the battery charged and everything electric running smoothly.

8 Common Symptoms of a Bad Alternator

A bad alternator can cause several noticeable symptoms in your vehicle, indicating that it’s not functioning properly. Here are eight common symptoms are as follows:-

Dimming Lights

 Headlights, interior lights, and dashboard lights may appear dimmer than usual, especially when using electrical accessories or at low speeds.

Dead Battery

 Frequent battery discharges or difficulty starting the vehicle, especially after it has been sitting for a while, could be due to a failing alternator not adequately charging the battery.

Burning Smell From car

Overheating alternator components can produce a distinct burning odor, indicating potential problems. Since you probably don’t want a fire under the hood, stop driving and get things checked out. Best case, the fusible link to the alternator melted. Worst case, your alternator is toast.

Sudden Car Dashboard Warning Lights

The “Battery” or “ALT” warning light on your dashboard illuminates, indicating a potential problem with the alternator. If the ECU is depleted of electrical energy and the brain is unable to think as well (much as you feel when you’re in dire need of an energy drink) signals could be sent out that are not correct.

Strange Noises From Car

Grinding, whining, or growling noises coming from the engine area might indicate a failing alternator bearing or internal components like the rotor and other parts, make a note of the sound you hear in order to tell your mechanic. 

Engine Stalling or Rough Idling

Inconsistent power supply can cause the engine to stall or run roughly, especially at idle speeds.
It is crucial for the correct volume of fuel delivered through the combustion chamber and the correct timing to enable the engine be run smoothly.
Any problems with this can prevent the combustion process from running smoothly.

Problem in Vehicle Start/Dead Battery

The alternator doesn’t provide the power to start the vehicle – that’s actually the job of the battery. It does, however, charge the battery as the vehicle is running. If the battery can’t be charged, the car won’t start.

Other Accessory Issues

Accessories like power seats or mirrors might not function properly due to insufficient power supply due to this it might malfunction and you have to face problems and have to spend to lot of money so better you consult your mechanic either for replacement or repair.

Cost of Alternator Replacement

Alternator replacement costs depend on various factors and generally range between $400 and $800 or even higher for parts and labor costs.
The main cost factors include the alternator itself, which typically ranges between $200 and $500 depending on its brand and type – or more depending on whether a different alternator type will work better with your vehicle.
Labor costs, covering the mechanic’s time and expertise, can add up to an additional $100-300 or more.
Additional charges could arise should belts or tensioners need replacing as part of this service.
Cost can also depend on where you live; urban areas and dealership labor rates often charge higher rates.
While an alternator replacement may seem costly, its presence ensures reliable performance from your car’s electrical system – it is wise to gather estimates from multiple mechanics and evaluate all your options prior to proceeding with the replacement.

Cause of Alternator Failure

Alternator failure can occur due to various reasons, impacting your vehicle’s electrical system and overall performance. Common causes are as follows:-
  •  The alternator contains brushes and bearings that can wear out over time, affecting its ability to generate electricity.
  •  Diodes within the alternator’s rectifier can fail, causing electrical issues and preventing the proper conversion of AC to DC current.
  • A loose or damaged alternator belt can hinder the rotation of the alternator, leading to reduced power generation.
  • Consistently demanding more electrical power than the alternator can provide can lead to overheating and eventual failure.
  • High temperatures, especially in the engine compartment, can cause the alternator’s components to degrade prematurely.
  • Exposure to water, coolant leaks, or other fluids can damage the alternator’s internal components and lead to failure.
  • A faulty voltage regulator can cause overcharging or undercharging of the battery, straining the alternator.
  • Sudden spikes in electrical load, often caused by faulty accessories or wiring, can stress the alternator and lead to failure.
  •  Occasionally, alternators might have manufacturing defects that lead to premature failure.
To prevent alternator failure, it’s important to ensure regular vehicle maintenance, address any electrical issues promptly, and use high-quality components when replacements are needed.
Regular inspections by a professional mechanic can help identify potential problems before they escalate.

Where Is Alternator Located?

The alternator is normally situated near the rear of the vehicle, typically near the area where the belts for the accessory are. The exact location of the alternator can differ according to the brand as well as the model. In a majority of vehicles, the alternator is located at the rear of the engine near the rear of the automobile. It is easily identified by its oblong or round form and the wiring that is connected to it.
To locate the alternator in your specific vehicle, consult your owner’s manual or seek guidance from online resources. If you’re unfamiliar with car components or need assistance, it’s recommended to have a professional mechanic help you locate and identify the alternator.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does a car act when the alternator is Failing ?

When a car’s alternator is failing, you might notice dimming headlights and interior lights, a warning light on the dashboard (like the battery or alternator symbol), difficulty starting the engine, strange electrical malfunctions, a burning smell, unusual noises, and the vehicle stalling or running roughly.

Can we run a car with a bad alternator?

A car can technically run with a bad alternator for a short while, but it’s not recommended. The alternator is responsible for charging the battery and providing power to the car’s electrical systems while the engine is running. If the alternator is not functioning properly, the battery’s charge will be depleted over time, leading to a loss of power for essential components like lights, radio, and even the engine itself. Eventually, the car will stall and not restart once the battery is completely drained. It’s best to address alternator issues promptly to avoid getting stranded and damaging the battery or other electrical components.

Do alternators Worn out suddenly?

Yes, alternators can fail suddenly. While some signs might give warning, such as dimming lights or warning lights on the dashboard, alternators can also stop working without much prior indication. Regular maintenance and addressing any signs of alternator trouble can help prevent sudden failures.

After how many miles until the alternator fails?

The life span of an alternator may differ widely based on various elements like the vehicle’s model and make, maintenance requirements, driving conditions as well and the quality of the alternator itself. On average, alternators last from 80,000 to 150,000 miles or more. However, there’s no exact mileage at which an alternator will fail, as it can be influenced by many variables. 

What Sound Come from bad alternator ?

A bad alternator typically doesn’t make distinct or characteristic sounds like other car components might. However, there are instances when a failing alternator can cause unusual noises. These noises can include a grinding, whining, or growling sound, often due to problems with the alternator’s bearings or internal components. If you hear any unfamiliar noises coming from your engine area, it’s recommended to have a professional mechanic inspect your vehicle to determine the source of the sound and address any issues.


In conclusion, a bad alternator can disrupt your vehicle’s electrical system, leading to dim lights, warning signs, and potential engine troubles. Recognizing these signs early and addressing them promptly can prevent breakdowns and ensure a reliable driving experience. Regular maintenance and immediate attention to alternator issues are essential to maintain your car’s functionality and prevent further complications.

About the author

Paul Marles

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